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    Top Four Movies Based On Modern Technology And AI

    We all love science fiction movies. But some sci-fi movies seem realistic. We often watch these movies more than once. However, many such fantasies may be realized soon, which is now only possible to show in the movie. But that day will not be so much emphasis on them. Because then they will be within […] More

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    Tony Stark All Creative Artificial Intelligence

    In the present scenario, most functional aspects of an AI are imaginative. We like to watch it in movies but in reality, such a thing does not happen. If there is talk of artificial intelligence and the Iron Man movie doesn’t play a big part there, then this discussion is in vain. Tony Stark, also […] More

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    Types And Features Of The Industrial Robots

    As a result of the invention of industrial robots, on the one hand, labor has been reduced and on the other hand, it has become easier to work in less time. Although Articulated robots are the beginning of industrial level robots, today there are about six types of industrial robots. Let’s talk about them. Articulated […] More

  • U R

    The First Industrial Robot: Unimate

    At present, there is no limit to human interest in robots, as well as new technologies, which are becoming a daily invention. As programming skills increase, The efficiency and performance of the robot increase a lot. However, a robot is not built only on depends on its programming skills. Behind this is the great success […] More

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    Top 5 Robotics Movies

    Just like everyone likes to watch robot movies, they also talk about science fiction. That is the thing that is being shown in these movies today, We may see something like this in the very near future. It gives us hope. Today we will talk about five robotics movies that have been able to deliver […] More

  • robot uses

    People Will Lose Their Jobs Due To The Upgrade Of Technology

    In the previous, some decades technology has huge upgraded. But the benefit of technology upgrading can hit some traditional employment. In the following points tried to discuss it simply. Driverless Car Currently, the driverless car is already on the road. Arriving with auto-driving technology, these cars are environmentally friendly. Because, it is battery-powered. Modern society […] More

  • Untitled design

    Robotics Will Have An Impact On Our Daily Necessities

    There is no telling what will happen in the future. But given the current time and situation, it is possible to say very objectively how the future technology is going to bring more radical changes. With the advancement of technology in the future, have tried to mention some of the things that are always needed […] More

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    Uses Of Robots: Detailed Description

    Today, robots have become intelligent as well as efficient. So they are being used in different sectors and the human race is benefiting as a result. They can easily do much harder work. We will know its uses – Manufacturing With the advent of robotics technology, its popularity in the manufacturing industry began to grow […] More