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    The Fall of Facebook: From Social Media Giant to Public Scrutin

    Facebook was once considered one of the most powerful and influential companies in the world, but in recent years, its reputation has taken a serious hit. From privacy scandals to political controversies, Facebook has been at the center of public scrutiny and criticism. One of the biggest controversies surrounding Facebook was the Cambridge Analytica scandal […] More

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    How to Apply Meta Verified: A Guide to Getting Verified on Instagram and Facebook

    To help creators and businesses establish their online presence and build their community faster, Facebook announced in late 2021 that it would begin testing a new subscription bundle called Meta Verified on Instagram and Facebook. The package includes a verified badge, proactive account protection, access to account support, increased visibility, and reach. Although it was […] More

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    Meta Announcement: Now Buy Blue Tick on Instagram and Facebook, Here are more Details

    Now buy Facebook Blue Tick, Buy Instagram Blue Tick: In an effort to increase the authenticity and security of their services, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) is launching a new subscription service called Meta Verified. The service is intended to allow users to verify their accounts with a government ID, receive a blue badge, and […] More

  • Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram account soon to be recovered by Meta

    Meta, the parent company of Facebook, will be reinstating former President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts in the upcoming weeks. This was announced by Meta’s President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, in a blog post. The accounts were suspended by Meta on January 7, 2021 for two years, due to Trump’s praise for those […] More

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    Meta to pay $725 million in settlement over Cambridge Analytica scandal

    Facebook parent company Meta agreed to settle Cambridge Analytica case for $725 million, a filing from the US District Court reveals. The proposed settlement would resolve a case that has been open since 2018, in which Facebook was accused of allowing the third-party consulting firm to access the data of nearly 87 million users. More

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    Facebook:US politicians and Damian Collinscriticise data ban

    Facebook’s choice to hinder admittance to certain academics exploring political ads and disinformation has been censured by UK and US government officials. Damian Collins MP accused Facebook of closing down genuine examination to secure its own advantages. And Senate board executives Ron Wyden and Mark Warner additionally stood up. Facebook has accused scientists from New […] More

  • Facebook is killing people : US President

    President of United States Joe Biden said Friday that online media misinformation about Covid-19 and inoculations is “killing people” and the White House said Facebook needs to get it together.  “They’re killing individuals. The lone pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And they’re killing individuals,” Biden told journalists at the White House, as he […] More

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    Facebook is experimenting with advertisements in virtual reality headsets

    Despite the platform’s founder promising it would never do so, Facebook has begun to display advertising on its Oculus virtual reality headsets. Ads will begin to show in a game called Balston in what the social network characterized as an experiment, with other developers following suit. It stated that it will take feedback into consideration […] More

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    EU vs Big Tech

    The European Union has been more fierce against the big tech giants than ever before since the dawn of Brexit. EU has pushed and made the big tech companies sign certain laws against disinformation in which the companies have to reveal certain bits of their working to the delegation. The EU is this time going […] More

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    Do people still use Facebook?

    Numerous people say they don’t use Facebook anymore, and nor do their friends. But Facebook is still the dominant social media platform with more users than the same company’s now owned Instagram. The company has 2.79 billion active users, which makes one question: if nobody is using Facebook, where are these numbers from? Sitting in […] More

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