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    Ryanair Cautions Shareholders About Lower Summer Fares Amid Profit Decline

    Europe’s largest airline by passenger numbers revealed it had engaged in more discounting than anticipated during the three months ending in June, resulting in an average fare decrease of 15%, with no end in sight for the need for markdowns. Profit after tax dropped by 46% to €360m (£303m), significantly below market analysts’ expectations of […] More

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    UK Banking App Disruptions Impact Thousands During Payday

    Thousands of customers faced account access issues on payday due to technical difficulties affecting several banking apps. HSBC, Nationwide, Barclays, and Virgin Money acknowledged and were addressing problems on the last working day of the month, a typical payday. Both HSBC and Virgin Money experienced disruptions with their mobile banking apps, which have since been […] More

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    The Double-Edged Sword: AI in Cost-Cutting and Reputation Management

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly revolutionizing the business landscape, with one of its most compelling promises being the potential to slash operational costs remarkably. From automating repetitive tasks to streamlining logistics, AI offers numerous ways a company can tighten its belt. However, the implementation of AI also carries potential reputational risks. Let us now add […] More

  • pexels prateekkatyal

    Blowing Away the Smoke? The Future of Nicotine Gums in a Changing Market

    Nicotine gum, a mainstay in the smoking cessation market for decades, finds itself at a crossroads. While still a widely used tool for kicking the tobacco habit, its future remains clouded by evolving consumer preferences, alternative smoking cessation methods, and a potential decline in overall smoking rates. Let’s take a deep dive into the current […] More

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    How Kim Kardashian Uses Social Media To Build Her Brands

    Kim Kardashian, the name synonymous with reality TV and celebrity, has transcended those labels to become a social media marketing powerhouse. Her ability to leverage various platforms and cultivate a massive online following has not only fueled her own brand but also served as a masterclass for aspiring influencers and entrepreneurs. Let’s delve into the […] More

  • giammarco boscaro qlHKzXZY unsplash

    Bureaucracy Blitz or Brews and Business? Setting Up Business in the UK

    The United Kingdom has a long and storied history as a global center for commerce and entrepreneurship. But for aspiring business owners, navigating the process of setting up shop in the UK can feel like wading through a sea of paperwork. Fear not, intrepid entrepreneur! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to tackle […] More

  • atikh bana KaMTEmJnxY unsplash

    From Millon Followers to Million Dollar Revenue: The Rise of Influencer-Owned Brands

    The influencer landscape has undergone a dramatic shift. Gone are the days when success solely hinged on amassing likes and followers. Today’s savvy influencers are leveraging their social media clout to build something far more substantial – their own brands. These influencer-owned brands are not just vanity projects; they’re thriving businesses, disrupting traditional industries and […] More

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    The Cost of Fast Food in the UK and Its Enduring Appeal in 2024

    Fast food. It’s a comfort, a quick bite on a busy day, a source of nostalgic memories for many but in the UK of 2024, with the rising cost of living, are the golden arches (or the paper crowns at Burger King) enough to keep these chains profitable? Let’s delve into the world of fast […] More

  • the kardashians teaser

    The Kardashian Empire: A Brand Breakdown and Market Performance

    The Kardashians, a name synonymous with reality TV, social media influence, and entrepreneurial ventures, have built a vast brand empire. Here’s a closer look at their key brands and how they’re faring in the ever-evolving market: Kim Kardashian: Kylie Jenner: Khloe Kardashian: Kourtney Kardashian: Kendall Jenner: The Kardashian Brand: An Enduring Powerhouse? The Kardashian brand […] More

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