June 2021

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  • 7a86b9b6 7a18 48d9 9e9e 5aebba4f333fWhere to Invest Money for Good Returns in India

    Where can one Invest money?

    Why would anyone invest their hard-earned money? The sole reason behind one doing that is to gain good returns from their investment. Returns on investment are like an additional fruit from hard-earned money. It creates wealth in the long run. The stock market is one of the best places to generate good returns from investments […] More

  • entrpreneurs

    Top 5 biggest and most famous entrepreneurs in the world

    To be honest, there are far too many different meanings for the term “entrepreneurship.” Entrepreneurship, in Steve Jobs’ opinion, is all about doing insane things to get extraordinary results. It’s just making a ding in the cosmos. Entrepreneurship is primarily about having an idea, working on it till it becomes a reality, facing obstacles on […] More

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    Sir Isaac Newton- The Greatest Science Influencer

    Great inventions come with great ideas. The life stories of great personalities always inspire us to become better people in our life. No one is born intelligent. This is proved by the story of Sir Isaac Newton. Time and dedication will train your mind to think about the big thing in small points and give […] More

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    Xiaomi is working on a sound-charging technology for cellphones

    According to the patent filings, sound charging technology may charge smartphones and other gadgets without using power outlets. Xiaomi is working on a new charging method, according to reports. According to patents submitted by the Chinese tech firm, which claims to be India’s top smartphone brand, the forthcoming charging solution would utilise sound to recharge […] More

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    Is Influencer Marketing the upcoming future of Marketing?

    Social media has become a part of our daily routine now. Quite an amount of our precious time goes on checking out these influencers fleeting the social platform. We dedicate a great share of our screen time scrolling through our social media feed, juggling in between different social apps. No doubt why a majority of […] More

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    What is Nanotechnology?

    We all know what is a nano car. The car had a significant feature of small size. Likewise there is a technology called nanotechnology. Working with nanoscopic level particles is called nanotechnology. This technology is so greatly effective. In the future it will be everywhere. Nanotechnology is technology on a nanoscale that has application in […] More

  • nasa

    Nasa honors astronomers for their photographs of the Crescent Nebula

    US space agency Nasa is praising an amateur stargazer for an image he and two others have taken of a cosmic bubble. Cirencester’s Russell Discombe, Colorado’s Joe Navara, and Essex’s Glenn Clouder spent 30 hours shooting the Crescent Nebula. Therefore, Nasa named the image Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) on June 17th. Also, Mr. […] More

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    The 90-Year-Old Entrepreneur from India

    It is said that there is no age to learn something new. Similarly, there is no age to get your skills out and start something you wanted for a long time. Many young entrepreneurs have inspired people, from the very small age to all those in their early twenties. Inspiration comes from someone who does […] More

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    Covid: In the midst of a “crisis” scenario in Brazil, 500,000 people have died

    The death toll from Covid-19 has surpassed 500,000 in Brazil, the world’s second-highest country. The experts warn that the outbreak might increase due to delayed vaccination and the arrival of winter. As President Jair Bolsonaro refuses to support measures such as social separation, the infection continues to spread. The situation is “serious,” according to Fiocruz, […] More

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    A recent study found that certain junk foods contain good amounts of antioxidants and can actually be good for your heart. Of course, while enjoying these foods is not recommended, enjoying some of them may be enough.  Some examples of these kinds of junk food are, POPCORN This may be the best aspect of the […] More

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