Covid: In the midst of a “crisis” scenario in Brazil, 500,000 people have died

The death toll from Covid-19 has surpassed 500,000 in Brazil, the world’s second-highest country. The experts warn that the outbreak might increase due to delayed vaccination and the arrival of winter. As President Jair Bolsonaro refuses to support measures such as social separation, the infection continues to spread. The situation is “serious,” according to Fiocruz, a health institute. Only 15% of adults have received all of their vaccines. The government’s response to the epidemic is under investigation by Congress.

The president has been accused by the opposition of delaying vaccine purchases for political purposes since he has constantly downplayed the seriousness of the epidemic. Transmissible forms of the virus, like the one initially found in the Amazon, now known as Gamma, got in Brazil. In the previous week, an average of 70,000 cases had been verified every day. In most states, the rate of critical care unit bed occupancy is at or above 80%, and experts warn that the onset of winter in the southern hemisphere, which begins next week, might lead to an increase in infections.

Daily Average In Brazil

Since March, the seven-day daily average of fatalities in Brazil has surpassed 1,500. Gonzalo Vecina, the former head of the health authority Anvisa, said the vaccination program’s sluggish development has cost lives. “There have been 500,000 fatalities, and this number is rising because increasing vaccine coverage would take time. Perhaps this year will be tough as well because we rely on the delivery of vaccinations that they ordered late.

Thousands of people demonstrated around the country on Saturday against the Bolsonaro regime and demanded the acceleration of the vaccination campaign. A shortage of dosages has been a problem in several cities. President Bolsonaro has spoken out against lockdowns, claiming that their economic impact would be worse than the virus. He claims, however, that he has done all possible to obtain vaccinations from a variety of countries.

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