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  • WhatsApp Image 2021 07 22 at 11.31.31

    China Sanctions US Citizens

    China announced sanctions on seven American citizens and entities Friday because of a US advisory on decaying opportunities in Hong Kong, just days in front of a visit from a senior Biden organization official. Pressures among Beijing and Washington have soured on various fronts, including basic freedoms, exchange, network protection, and the starting points of […] More

  • WhatsApp Image 2021 07 24 at 10.25.30

    China’s heaviest rainfall in 1,000 years

    Horrifying visuals of overturned cars and people trapped in flooded due to rainfall subways and roads of China have inundated online media in the previous three days. A video by the China Xinhua News shows workers in neck-profound water inside a metro line at the Zhengzhou city, which has a populace of over 1.2 crore […] More

  • China is waiting for an opportunity to enter Afghanistan after US withdrawal

    During the continuous US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, Beijing seems to have been sitting tight for a chance to enter the conflict torn country. For President of China Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party, Afghanistan is of international significance. It offers an entryway through which the Chinese military may get to the Arabian Sea, […] More

  • nato

    Beijing warns NATO not to exaggerate China’s danger

    After Nato officials warned of “systemic threats” from Beijing, China accused Nato of slandering its peaceful growth. China’s activities, notably the expansion of its nuclear weapons, have put the “rules-based international order” in jeopardy, according to Nato. It was the first time Nato has put China at the top of its priority list. China responded […] More

  • landing

    The Zhurong Mars rover from China snaps a selfie

    The Zhurong rover from China has returned fresh photographs from Mars, including a “selfie.” The robot, which first landed in May, placed a wireless camera on the ground and then rolled back a short distance to capture a picture. The rocket-powered platform that brought the six-wheeled vehicle to a gentle landing is on Zhurong’s right. […] More

  • jack ma 2

    Jack Ma’s feud with the Chinese government

    Jack Ma is currently worth nearly half of what he was a mere nine months ago. What child did he bear that led to this downfall and fallout with the Chinese government, the CCP. The story is longer and has much more than one or two saucy comments. Inception When Jack Ma founded the Alibaba […] More

  • 09720 leadcon shipcxd

    China’s Trade Boom Continues in May on Strong Global Demand

    China’s exports continued to surge in May, although at a slower pace than the previous month, fueled by strong global demand as more economies around the world opened up. Imports soared, boosted by rising commodity prices. Exports grew almost 28% in dollar terms in May from a year earlier, the customs administration said Monday, weaker […] More

  • 976139 joe biden reuters

    Biden blocks 59 Chinese companies

    Yesterday on Thursday, President Joe Biden signed an order to ban 59 Chinese companies. The signature stands robust in America’s fight against China after the virus spread. Joe Biden was teased by many at first being called “China Joe” and indeed Biden did sign a few orders such as the ban on using the word […] More

  • china

    China and Taiwan’s Tense Relations

    Taiwan split from China in the period of 1949-50 when the CCP was actively against the ROC party in the Taiwanese region. This ROC party then created their own new country during a civil war and Taiwan has been separate from China ever since. This differs from what was done in the case of Hong […] More

  • bruce rottgers x2uU3yoGDLs unsplash scaled

    China moves to a three-child policy

    Earlier until 2015 the Chinese government had a one-child policy. Any violations to this would lead to economic issues, and in many cases even forced abortions and sterilizations. Sometimes the extra baby would have to be forcefully be enrolled in the army. This was meant to control the population but the reason for scrapping it […] More

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