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    The World Without Artificial Intelligence And Robots

    The world today is almost entirely covered by artificial intelligence. As a result, human life has become much easier. But has anyone ever wondered, if artificial intelligence or robotics technology were to disappear from the face of the earth overnight or one day, what would happen to humans from the next moment? Let’s talk about […] More

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    Applications Of Robotics: Robot Helper

    There is no countable how many ways robotics is applied in today’s world. However, the use of a few major portions is very important. Here the applications are mentioned – Fight Against Fire Helper There was a time when there was a great risk in fighting against fire. Road jams, water problems, fire spread, etc […] More

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    Types Of Robots: Different Types And Application

    In the last few years, as robotic technology has gradually taken up a wide space in the world, different types of robots have emerged based on different functions. And robots based on these different tasks have been used in different fields. The different types of robots are mentioned below – Pre-Programmed Robots Pre-programmed robots work […] More

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    What Is A Robot? – Detailed Discussion

    We’ve all probably seen a few robot movies. When we watch robot movies, they leave deep scars on our minds. But to be honest, there are different types of robots in different movies. Which may be huge, and which may be very small. Are robots like this in real life? Such questions are not uncommon. […] More

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    Robotics – Define, Progress, Area, Application

    Robotics is the newest sector in science fiction. But it goes a long way in showing us our dreams. From the depths of the ocean to any distant star in space thousands of miles beyond the earth. Robots can operate in all kinds of environments and where humans cannot enter, where it is impossible for […] More

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    Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm Can Twist, Grasp—and Feel

     The US-developed robotic arm brings the sense of touch by controlling it with your mind. A sense of touch is about more than just increasing dexterity. It’s not just the ability to reach into your pocket and grab your keys. It’s also the ability to hold a loved one’s hand and feel that emotional connection. […] More

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    Five Robots That Make Organized Indoor Life

    Mankind today is unimaginable without artificial intelligence. Still, the robotics sector is improving day by day. Robots are becoming more and more smart and intelligent. So by increasing this efficiency, it has become possible to build robots suitable for our use and we are constantly trying to increase their efficiency. Here are five current generation […] More

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