The outdoor classroom: classes moved to a local beach in Los Nietos, Spain

Students from Colegio Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente have been attending classes on the shores of Mar Menor by turning the beach into an outdoor school to take a step towards reducing contagions and sensitize positive attitude towards the environment from the juvenile stage. It also allowed the students to learn about the life and work of fishermen in the area.

The aim is to improve the quality of air children breathe as a part of the ‘Clean Air’ initiative, especially during the pandemic.

The program is called Aire Limpo (fresh air) where students rotate to different sections of the beach for classes and receive lessons from local fishers.

It’s a well-established fact that kids learn better in a creative environment and people have agreed that the performance is increasing dramatically with this initiative.

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May 28 – Menstrual hygiene day

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