Thousands sign a petition against Jeff Bezos’ return to Earth after a mission to space

The petition on has become one of the most popular and is now trending, with 25,000 signatures expected shortly.

Jeff Bezos wants to stay in space permanently, according to an internet petition with over 22,000 signatories.’Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth,’ demands that after launching into space next month, the Amazon founder shouldn’t enter the earth. On July 20, Bezos, his brother, and two others will launch into space as part of the first crewed mission. The petition on has become one of the most popular and is now trending, with 25,000 signatures expected shortly.

“Jeff has collaborated with, the Knights Templar and therefore the Free Masons to require power over the full world,” it said. He’s also in cahoots with flat-earthers; it’s the only way they’ll let him exit the atmosphere. Meanwhile, our government sits on the sidelines and watches”. As previously stated, Bezos and his brother will be joined in space by two other mystery auction winners. In fact, Blue Origin recently sold the first ticket for $28 million. The winner of the auction is not known, according to the firm. Around 7,600 individuals from 159 countries have registered to bid for a spaceflight seat.

Bezos and his friends will experience the power of the ascent and the pull of Earth’s gravity, which will be three times stronger than normal when the rocket lifts off from Blue Origin’s West Texas launchpad. For roughly three minutes in space, Bezos and his passengers will be weightless.

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