OYO Hotels and Homes: Marvelous Startup

Everyone needs a good room when on vacation or at work. You might come back from a work meeting or from exploring on a vacation you need a good room to come and rest back. One would very well want a good room and at an affordable cost. It would also become very convenient if one can book the room online.

OYO Hotels and Homes Startup have not only made it easier for one to find rooms but also at an affordable cost. It was founded by an Indian Entrepreneur Ritesh Agarwal, who is also the CEO of the company. He came up with this idea while he was traveling across Indian at the age of 17, he went to almost 100 different rooms to stay at. While he was exploring he found that none of them were affordable enough.

While he discovered all of these rooms, he started to think of them from other’s perspectives. He wished people should be able to get good stays at affordable costs. That is when he came up with the idea of this start-up and started his journey of being an entrepreneur. The man believed everyone could have a better experience while they travel. Ritesh not only help people by having placed at affordable costs, but he also helped many people develop their places better for people to come and stay in.

OYO Hotels and Homes came into being in May 2013. They have a very simple-to-operate website. Customers can book their rooms there. Furthermore, if someone wants to become a member by adding their place as Oyo rooms they can also do so by the website. The startup has not only helped people to get rooms at good costs but has given jobs to many. With the startup helping people develop their place and use it as Oyo, people have rightly found how to use the extra space they have. They use the extra space and can also earn money through it.

The company aims to provide hassle-free rooms to their customers and good earning opportunity to their teammates. Oyo housing and homes have grown into a big name in very little time. The company has Spread its chain across eighty countries in the world. With about more than forty-three thousand hotels and one lakh fifty thousand vacation homes to stay in. Ritesh did not only want to cater to the Indian customers but also customers all over the world. He felt that everyone around the world should have comfort and affordable cost.

Some of the Countries where Oyo is a big player in the market are India, China, UAE, Nepal, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is known to be world’s one of the fastest-growing hotel chains in big time. Ritesh along with his team has inspired young minds to function out of the box. In addition, it also shows how one can help in making the society better for people to move around. He has helped the travelers and regular office tour staff, to get into comfortable places and the same time cost-friendly.  

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