Covid: The lifting of the lockdown in England has been postponed until July 19th

The last stage of relaxing lockdown restrictions in England will be postponed until July 19, according to the Prime Minister. It implies that most restrictions on social interaction will stay in place beyond June 21. Although the cap on wedding guest numbers will be lifted, venues will still be subject to other regulations. Boris said that review will be conducted in two weeks, he is “confident” that the delay will not exceed four weeks.

“We will evaluate the situation every day,” he said at a Downing Street press conference, “and if we judge that the risk has lessened after two weeks, we reserve the option of advancing to step four, and a complete opening, sooner”. If lockdown is lifted on June 21, scientists advise the government, warned that there may be a increase in cases. It comes as cases of the more transmissible Delta strain, which was initially found in India, are on the rise.

According to him, the delay will enable the NHS “a few more important weeks to get those remaining shots into the hands of individuals who need them.”

Although weddings and wakes will no longer be limited to 30 attendees, there will still be certain limits on these ceremonies. Venues will be required to follow social distancing guidelines, and hosts will be required to do a risk assessment. A table service with six people per table will be needed, and no interior dance floors will be permitted. It would be unwise to set up a dance floor outside. Before July 19, fifteen coronavirus pilot activities, including future Euro 2020 games, will go on as planned.

Increase in Cases in England

The recommendation to work from home whenever feasible will continue in effect. Some limits on care homes, however, will be relaxed. Residents would no longer be needed to isolate for 14 days after returning from trips outside the care home. The extension of the limits will be presented to a vote in the Commons. It might result in a significant Conservative backbench revolt. Regulations are likely to be laid in Parliament on Tuesday morning, subject to final decisions, with a discussion on Wednesday.

Mr. Johnson stated that by July 19, two-thirds of individuals, including all over-50s, the prone ones, and health, and care professionals, will have got two coronavirus vaccines, as well as over-40s who had had the first dose by mid-May. “To do this, we will now speed the second jabs for people over 40, exactly like we did for prone groups. So they will receive the greatest protection as quickly as possible,” he added. In England, the time between the first and second doses for over-40s will be cut from 12 to eight weeks. The deadline for all adults to receive their first dosage will be pushed out to July 19th.

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