Covid-19 crisis all over the world

Each and every country is now struggling and fighting with Coronavirus. Due to thus virus many people have lost their loved ones. There is economic crisis in few countries. People lost their jobs. Coronavirus or Covid-19 started from the end of 2019 and still going on. There are restrictions to travel outside country or inside country. Many countries have started vaccination drive to slow down the rate of infection. There are vaccines like Pfizer, moderna, covaxin, AstraZeneca, Covisheild, etc. But after getting vaccines some people are getting infected to it. In some countries there is crisis of Vaccines. In India, there is a huge amount of person getting infected to covid everyday. Huge amount of people are also losing their life. There is lack of oxygen and other things which are required for recovery. Due to high demand this things are selling in high price and many fraudsters are doing fraud and fraudulent activities. Now people have to protect themselves from the virus and the frauds. 

I request everyone one to wear mask and maintain social distance and to follow the covid protocols. To fight against the virus. If we work all together then we will definitely going to defeat the virus. Get vaccinated in your turn. Wash hand after every 2 hour. We should not loose hope. Many frontline workers are working day and night to save us from the virus. We should also help them in this fight.

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