Doraemon is a beloved anime character that has been entertaining generations of children since the 1970s. He is a robotic cat from the future who travels back in time to help his human friend, Nobita, solve his problems. Doraemon has been featured in many movies, and over the years, some of them have become iconic. Here is a list of the top 10 Doraemon movies ever made, up to 2023.

First on the list is Doraemon: Nobita’s Secret Gadget Museum. This movie follows Nobita as he discovers a secret museum filled with gadgets from the future. He uses these gadgets to help him and his friends solve their problems. This movie is a classic and is sure to bring back fond memories for many viewers.

Second on the list is Doraemon Nobita Khel Khiloona Bhul Bhullaiya. This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they get lost in a mysterious world filled with strange creatures. They must use their wits and the gadgets from Doraemon to find their way back home. This movie is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Third on the list is Nobita’s 3 Magical Swordsmen. This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they travel to a magical kingdom and must battle an evil wizard. They must use the gadgets from Doraemon to help them in their quest. This movie is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages.

Fourth on the list is Doraemon Nobita and Kingdom of Clouds. This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they travel to a mysterious kingdom in the clouds. They must use the gadgets from Doraemon to help them in their quest to save the kingdom. This movie is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages.

Fifth on the list is Doraemon the Movie: Nobita the Explorer Bow! This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they travel to a mysterious island and must battle an evil witch. They must use the gadgets from Doraemon to help them in their quest. This movie is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages.

Sixth on the list is Doraemen Nobita and Sun God. This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they travel to a mysterious kingdom and must battle an evil god. They must use the gadgets from Doraemon to help them in their quest. This movie is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages.

Seventh on the list is Doraemon the Movie: Jadooi Mantar Aur Jahnoom. This movie follows Nobita and his friends as they travel to a mysterious kingdom and must battle an evil wizard. They must use the gadgets from Doraemon to help them in their quest. This movie is sure to be a hit with viewers of all ages.

These are the top 10 Doraemon movies ever made, up to 2023. Each movie is sure to bring back fond memories for viewers of all ages. Whether you are a fan of the classic Doraemon movies or the newer ones, there is sure to be something for everyone. So, if you are looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, then these are the ones to watch.

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