Get Motivated Towards Success by Reading:  “The Power of Positive Thinking: Interfaith 21st Century Edition


If you read any book this summer this is the one, “The Power of Positive Thinking: Interfaith 21st Century Edition. The bookstands out as a source of inspiration and motivation. Authored by Hasan Ismaik, a renowned entrepreneur, philanthropist, and writer, this updated edition emphasizes unity, comprehension, and optimism across diverse religious beliefs in our modern world. Recently honored with a prestigious silver medal at the Nautilus Book Awards, Ismaik’s book offers invaluable insights to a wide audience.

 If the title rings a bell the original version was written by the Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in 1952, “The Power of Positive Thinking” which left an indelible mark on generations. The original book sold over 24 million copies worldwide and was translated into 42 languages,

Ismaik’s updated version encourages individuals to embrace optimism, faith, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. Building upon the timeless wisdom of its predecessor, he took up the task of reimagining and updating “The Power of Positive Thinking” for the 21st Century.

 Must have, must read!This book has changed my life for the absolute good. From front to back, you will find common faith-based techniques to help you overcome life’s most difficult challenges. Great read!! AM

Ismaik had a goal to reach a broader audience including the youth. He weaves together diverse perspectives and offers insights that resonate with individuals from various backgrounds. With comparable quotations from the Quran, the Hebrew Bible, and the Christian New King James Version Bible, the author fosters connections between different faith traditions.

Ismaik’s book delves into comprehensive exploration, personal encounters, and profound spiritual insights, all aimed at fostering unity, empathy, and an open mindset. It transcends the confines of religious affiliation by highlighting the influence of positivity and presenting tangible strategies and uplifting narratives. Through this, the book sheds light on shared values and teachings of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, encouraging readers to reflect on their beliefs, challenge preconceived notions, and embrace inclusivity. Hasan Ismaik shares universal wisdom by incorporating quotations from different religious texts, the book offers valuable insights that resonate with individuals from diverse faith backgrounds.

“The Power of Positive Thinking: Interfaith 21st Century Edition” already has a proven track record of transforming lives. It offers readers the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs, deepen their understanding of different faith traditions, and discover the transformative power of positivity in creating a brighter future for themselves and humanity as a whole. It transcends the boundaries of religious affiliation and becomes a roadmap to success for individuals from all walks of life.

Most vital, readers can learn actionable approaches to tackle obstacles, build confidence, and foster interfaith dialogue in their everyday lives. Bridge-building in an increasingly interconnected world, the book encourages readers to challenge preconceived notions and embrace diversity. It promotes harmony, compassion, and open-mindedness, fostering a more inclusive worldview.

 This book has the true potential to transform your life by empowering you with the tools for personal growth, fostering interfaith understanding, and inspiring a positive mindset that leads to a brighter future. Through its wisdom and guidance, you can unlock your true potential, build harmonious relationships, and make a positive impact on yourself and the world around you!


To purchase your copy of “The Power of Positive Thinking: Interfaith 21st Century Edition,” visit at

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