Spectrum of Thoughts Publication launches 40 Book this june, publishing 1200+ budding writers

Anthology always has been a touchy topic for writers, there are many assumptions and different perspectives when it comes to self-publishing in the anthology. For First time writers or budding writers, an anthology creates an opportunity to get themselves published at a much low cost giving a tag of “Published Author”

During this pandemic, we saw many writers and artists who contributed to literature. Many contributing authors and writers framed their writing careers and published their poems, story, and articles in anthology books by Spectrum of Thoughts Publication. In July Edition, Spectrum of Thoughts published 35 anthology books with more than 25 compilers with conceptual anthologies, interesting themes, and genres to try the hands for the new young writers. Being the only anthology publisher in India to give thought to the concept more than anything the co-authors participated with enthusiasm.

These 35 anthology books launched nationally by Spectrum of Thoughts Publication, FanatiXx is one of the matriarch proofs that reading can help anybody to relieve stress. The topics for anthology books ranged out from Art Book, Women Empowerment, Family, Love, Boys and Gentleman, Psychology of sorry, The twist and turn in one’s life to strangers and known Strangers. A diversity for young budding writers to set their path in the writing industry.

Not only the writers got the chance to get published, but the compilers also marked a feather on their hat by successfully compiling many open and themed concept books. You see the love and craze for covers? Do you judge a book by them? This whole newly launched July Publishing by Spectrum of Thoughts, anthology publishers in India is not only full of stunning covers but the intricate ideas and concepts to it. The Cover Designer had his mind on it working fully with detailing by the conceptualizers.

Going ahead with the details, our book “Artistica’” is full of art and paintings, you will be in love with the designs, the mandala and the beautiful drawings, the whole color vibing on the Glossy cover is next level satisfaction. On one side there is an art like Artistica, Thoughts of an artist while on the other handle we have our Award-Winning book “That Aimless Scribble”. Each line has a story, right from a curve to the whole scribbled design the thought process of an artist and a writer will stay tuned. Writers can read the art, and artists can paint the letters. That Aimless Scribble has 45 writers who jotted down their thought expressed by seeing the scribbles. A unique concept book awarded by the title ‘Spectrum Top 50 Compilations’ of FanatiXx Spectrum Awards. Not only the modern approach but the holistic vibe and devotion is still instilled and here a dedicated anthology for all Shiv Bhakts has been compiled, “Parabharman”. Opposite to God and the beliefs we all have that one unruly thought that we can deal with anything and make it better, in much fun way of saying, “Apunich Bhagwan hey” the compiler here took one step ahead and conceptualized the whole concept setting together with the idea of “If I Were God” The feeling of Love and being Loved is another amazing thing one can feel, writers from these anthologies like “Lovey Dovey” “Sathi Sath Nibhana”, “Magic Spell” has shaped different forms of Love for human beings.

In this Generation where teenagers lose the trust and importance of family and their values the three compilers of “Consanguinity- A circle of strength and love” rekindled and awakened that importance of family and children. In this pandemic over the period of time at least once we have thought and memorized that one beautiful day of our life, 32 writers of “Approach of the Epoch” have highlighted the unknown pages with the magnificent day of their life. And the one anthology where we all could relate is about strangers, how we meet a stranger, get to know them, and again maybe become strangers diaries of the most rememberable stranger of their lives. This book is a diary format waving a life to that stranger named as “Hey! Dearest Stranger”.

We invite you to read all our collections here are our eBooks available for discounted rates for all lovely readers and bibliophiles’ https://www.sotpublication.com/shop

All these anthologies by budding writers published by Spectrum of thoughts have a certain impact on readers and writers.

To read more, click on this link https://www.amazon.in/s?k=spectrum+of+thoughts&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

Also to reach out to participate in these anthologies, click here https://www.instagram.com/spectrum.of.thoughts/

Media Contact
Company Name: Spectrum of Thoughts Publication
Contact Person: Mayuri Valanju
Email: sotpublication@fanatixx.info
Phone: 8448203204
Country: India
Website: www.sotpublication.com

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Surabhi Naik, Published Author of Inward Shelf, Recognised with Spectrum Saahitya Award by FanatiXx Spectrum Awards