Don’t be fooled by this name: a black hole is by no means an empty space, but a very small space with a large amount of matter; imagine a star with a mass ten times greater than the sun, compressed into a sphere. Approximately the diameter of New York.
This makes the gravitational field so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. In the past few years, NASA instruments have painted a new picture of these strange objects. For many people, they are the most interesting objects in space.
The idea that objects in space are so huge and dense that light cannot escape from them has been around for centuries. The most famous is that black holes are predicted based on Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which states that when a massive star dies, it leaves a small, dense remnant core.
When the mass of the core is approximately three times the mass of the sun, as the formula shows, gravity trumps all other forces and forms a black hole.
Scientists cannot directly observe black holes through telescopes that detect X-rays, light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. However, we can infer the existence of black holes and study them by discovering their effects on nearby matter.
For example, a black hole penetrating a cloud of interstellar matter pulls matter inward in a process called accretion. A similar process occurs when an ordinary star passes near a black hole. In this case, the black hole may explode
. As the attracted material accelerates and warms, it emits X-rays that are launched into space. Recent discoveries provide tantalizing evidence that black holes have a huge impact on their surrounding environment and emit powerful gamma rays.
The explosion, engulfing nearby stars, and growing new stars stimulate the stars in some areas and stop in others.
Most black holes are formed from the remains of a large star that died in a supernova explosion (smaller stars become dense neutron stars with insufficient mass to capture light). The mass of the sun), theoretically it can be proved that under the influence of gravity, no force can prevent the collapse of a star; however, when a star collapses, something strange happens: when the surface of the star approaches a star called ” On the imaginary surface of the “Event Horizon”, the time on the star slows down compared to the time maintained by the distant observer.
When the surface reaches the event horizon, time stops and the star can no longer collapse. It is a frozen collapsed object. The end is the beginning of the black hole.
Even larger black holes may be produced by collisions of stars. Soon after launch in December 2004, NASA’s Swift Telescope observed a strong and short flash, called a gamma-ray burst. Then Chandra and NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope collected data on the “afterglow” of the event.
“Combined, these observations led astronomers to conclude that when a black hole collides with a neutron star and forms another black hole, a powerful explosion may occur.”