‘Everyone’s Invited’ calls out on harassment and sexual abuse prevalent in UK schools

Over 16000 anonymous testimonies were received from survivors of such abuse.

Everyone’s invited, an online forum was founded by Soma Sara to create a space for the fighters to share their stories in resonation to her own experiences of rape culture.

The site named 2,962 schools from which it has received reports of sexual abuse from pupils on Wednesday night.

It previously published a list of more than 80 UK universities – a number of which were mentioned more than 50 times – which highlighted allegations of a “rape culture.”

From sexist name-calling to online abuse, upskirting, unwanted touching in school corridors and rape jokes on the school bus the horror unfolds with every turn on the page worse than the other. Boys share nude pictures on WhatsApp and Snapchat “like a collection game”, inspectors were told.

It was found that the school authorities ‘consistently underestimate’ the gravity of the situation and sex education in schools was so out of touch with the reality of children’s lives that pupils turned to social media or their peers for information. 

“It shouldn’t be our responsibility to educate boys,”

One of the girls told the inspector.

“It’s alarming that many children and young people, particularly girls, feel they have to accept sexual harassment as part of growing up,” said Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector for Ofsted, the government department responsible for the review.

“The schools we should be worrying about are the schools not mentioned on Everyone’s Invited. Some school heads have told their pupils not to share their testimonies with Everyone’s invite,” said a spokesperson. 

“Why are some headteachers silencing survivors? Why is the reputation of institutions being prioritized over victims of rape and sexual abuse?”

It’s the 21st century and you’re still receiving such tragic and horrific news because it’s still happening. Rape culture is prevalent in every grain of the society that is even bleeding down into primary schools from top to bottom.


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