Do these to stay calm during difficult times!

“Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy”.

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.Being happy during difficult times is never easy.It is indeed a challenge to keep your mind calm and stay positive during this pandemic.

Here are some of the techniques to help you with your anxieties and keep yourself busy.

1. Sleep

Get yourself good eight hours of sleep daily. I cannot stress more about the importance of sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to many health problems.

2. Exercise 

Indulging in some light exercises daily for at least half an hour keeps your body healthy and your mind refreshed and positive throughout the day.Be it a walk, or swimming or skipping, never take it as a punishment,rather enjoy it because you need it.

3.Skin care

We often forget to take care of our skin. Since we have got a lot of time, why not invest it in taking care of your skin?Just put on a face mask and relax.

4. Hair care.

Oiling your hair promotes blood circulation, get yourself some hair massage, which is a great tool to reduce stress and tensions.

5. Plant a tree

Planting something, a tree or a shrub, is the best way to get attached to mother earth.Watering and taking care of plants will give you immense peace and serenity.

6.Read a book

Choose a book of your interest and try to read at least a page daily.This will help you to focus on one thing and for a short while the book will take you to another world.


Keep a diary or a journal and write something.It could be about your day or the things which you are grateful for or a to-do list for the next day and so on.

As Dalai lama said,”Happiness is not something ready-made.It comes from your own actions”

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