Aloe vera; a wonder plant

There are numerous benefits the medicinal plant aloe vera offers when it comes to skin care and hair care.It has been practised long before to use aloe vera to moisturize and soothe the skin.

 It fights acne and blemishes and reduces dark spots and wrinkles on your face.It also eliminates dead skin cells.

Aloe vera wears different hats.It works as a face toner , moisturizer, eye brow gel and is used in various face masks.

The antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties of aloe vera aids in healing wounds and treating skin problems.

It also helps to reduce hair fall, treats dandruffs and stimulates hair growth.The cooling sensation this aloe vera gives makes it lovable by millions of people of all age groups. It keeps your skin hydrated for a longer time.

Vitamin C and E present in aloe vera make it an anti-aging ingredient.

So why wait? Pluck an aloe leaf and apply the gel regularly to reveal your natural glow!

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