Here comes the interesting topic for all , we have come acrossed Income tax ,Goods and services tax ,VAT etc.. but have we ever heard a tax called PINK TAX , No right ,

Ever walked into a store and wondered why a cream for women costs more than that of men? Or why the same T-shirt costs more than the men’s T-shirt . Just for being women , this special tax is being paid and it is said as Pink tax.

This is all about Pink tax , do read this till the end for more information. 

Here we go , Ever noticed how some products they are just pink in colour and they are marketed specially for women and giving a delegate look and acts as the way for the cosmetics company to make handsome money out of it.

The pink tax refers to the GENDER BASED PRICED DISCRIMINATION ,where women are made to pay more for the same products and services. In other words it’s not even the tax, it’s the PRICING MODEL and that puts women in disadvantaged position.

Personal care products have been an easy target for being more expensive for women. Starting from cosmetics and accessories and clothes and shoes , product specifically designed and marketed to women cost more than the gender neutral ones.
A few years ago, The New York’s state department of consumer affairs did a study of 700+ products are found that women pays tax of 7% of more than men. And this price rosed up to 13% specifically for personal care products.  

Now let’s look some examples that makes even more to know about pink tax.
This tax is not only about products ,it’s involved of services too. For example,  when we take salons for haircut , women are charged different rates even for small changes in hair and when we ask the reason for difference in prices , they would say 

1. Women have longer hair 

2. Training is different 

3. Hygiene needs to be taken care of etc.

So now let’s consider the main reason behind the differentiation , Generally in buying a product , we always look for price tag and then decide whether we can buy or not . So this is the common rationale which women faces in buying a product.  Most retailers believe that women are more guided by emotions and are unlikely to switch products. 

Now let’s look upon , how to refrain from pink tax ?    Refrain from supporting retailers who levy pink tax  

 Go for the generic version, if the difference is not huge . 

 Support companies who have shifted to gender neutral pricing and finally spreading awareness. 

So keep an eye on the price that you pay for , whether you are men or women . Pink tax is highly followed in places like shopping malls, departmental stores etc. 


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