It is a common misconception that a year on Mars is the same as a year on Earth. While it is true that a Martian year is 687 Earth days, the way that a Martian year is measured is quite different. On February 7, 2021, Mars passed solar longitude 0 as the Sun crossed the equator on Mars. This is the vernal equinox, and was chosen by planetary scientists as the start of a new year. This is year 36 on Mars.

The vernal equinox is the point in the Martian year when the Sun is directly above the equator. This is the same as on Earth, but the difference is that on Mars, the Sun is directly above the equator twice a year. This is because the Martian orbit is more elliptical than Earth’s, so the Sun appears to move faster at some points in the orbit than others. This means that the vernal equinox occurs twice a year on Mars, instead of just once like on Earth.

The vernal equinox is a very important event in the Martian calendar, as it marks the beginning of the new year. This is because the vernal equinox is the point when the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the Martian year begins. This is why the vernal equinox is used to mark the start of the new year on Mars.

The vernal equinox is also important because it marks the beginning of the Martian summer. This is because the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the days start to get longer and the temperatures start to rise. This is why the vernal equinox is the beginning of the Martian summer.

The vernal equinox is also important because it marks the beginning of the Martian spring. This is because the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the days start to get shorter and the temperatures start to drop. This is why the vernal equinox is the beginning of the Martian spring.

The vernal equinox is also important because it marks the beginning of the Martian winter. This is because the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the days start to get shorter and the temperatures start to drop. This is why the vernal equinox is the beginning of the Martian winter.

The vernal equinox is also important because it marks the beginning of the Martian year. This is because the vernal equinox is the point when the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the Martian year begins. This is why the vernal equinox is used to mark the start of the new year on Mars.

So, on February 7, 2021, Mars passed solar longitude 0 as the Sun crossed the equator on Mars. This is the vernal equinox, and was chosen by planetary scientists as the start of a new year. This is year 36 on Mars. The vernal equinox is an important event in the Martian calendar, as it marks the beginning of the new year, the beginning of the Martian summer, the beginning of the Martian spring, and the beginning of the Martian winter. It is also the point when the Sun is directly above the equator, and this is the point when the Martian year begins. This is why the vernal equinox is used to mark the start of the new year on Mars.

The vernal equinox is an important event in the Martian calendar, and it is an event that is celebrated by many people on Mars. It is a time of new beginnings, and it is a time to look forward to the future. It is a time to reflect on the past, and to look forward to the future. It is a time to celebrate the new year, and to look forward to the future. It is a time to celebrate the vernal equinox, and to look forward to the future.

The vernal equinox is an important event in the Martian calendar, and it is an event that is celebrated by many people on Mars. It is a time of new beginnings, and it is a time to look forward to the future. It is a time to reflect on the past, and to look forward to the future. It is a time to celebrate the new year, and to look forward to the future. It is a time to celebrate the vernal equinox, and to look forward to the future. On February 7, 2021, Mars passed solar longitude 0 as the Sun crossed the equator on Mars. This is the vernal equinox, and it marks the beginning of year 36 on Mars. This is a time to celebrate the vernal equinox, and to look forward to the future.

By Influencer Magazine UK