In J.K. Rowling’s beloved Harry Potter series, the character Voldemort often refers to Harry Potter as a “half-blood.” This term is used to describe a witch or wizard who has one magical parent and one non-magical parent. In Harry’s case, his mother is Muggle-born and his father is a pure-blood wizard.

The concept of blood status is important in the wizarding world, as it is used to determine a witch or wizard’s magical lineage. Pure-bloods are those who have two magical parents, while half-bloods have one magical parent and one non-magical parent. Muggle-borns are those who have two non-magical parents.

Voldemort’s use of the term “half-blood” when referring to Harry is significant because it is an indication of his prejudice against those who are not pure-bloods. Voldemort believes that pure-bloods are superior to all other witches and wizards, and that Muggle-borns and half-bloods are not worthy of his attention.

In addition, Voldemort’s use of the term “half-blood” when referring to Harry is also a reminder of the prophecy that was made about him. The prophecy states that a boy born at the end of July with the power to vanquish Voldemort will be born to parents who have “equal blood.” Since Harry’s parents have different blood statuses, he is the only one who could fulfill the prophecy.

Voldemort’s use of the term “half-blood” when referring to Harry is a reminder of his prejudice against those who are not pure-bloods, as well as a reminder of the prophecy that was made about him. It is an indication of the importance of blood status in the wizarding world, and it serves as a reminder of the power of the prophecy.

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