The question of whose wand kills Voldemort has been a source of much debate among Harry Potter fans for years. The answer is actually quite simple: Harry Potter’s wand. During his final confrontation with Voldemort, Harry knew that he was the Elder Wand’s true master. He again cast Expelliarmus, ejecting the wand from Voldemort’s hand into his own as the Killing Curse rebounded off his body, fatally striking Voldemort.

The Elder Wand is one of the three Deathly Hallows, and is considered the most powerful wand in existence. It is said to be unbeatable in a duel, and it is believed that whoever masters the wand will become the greatest wizard of all time. Voldemort was the previous master of the Elder Wand, having stolen it from Dumbledore’s tomb.

However, Harry was the true master of the Elder Wand. He had won it from Draco Malfoy in a duel during the Battle of Hogwarts. By defeating Draco, Harry became the true master of the Elder Wand, and thus the only one who could use it to defeat Voldemort.

When Harry cast Expelliarmus, the Killing Curse rebounded off his body and struck Voldemort, killing him. This was due to the power of the Elder Wand, which was in Harry’s possession. The wand had recognized Harry as its true master, and thus the Killing Curse was unable to harm him.

The answer to the question of whose wand kills Voldemort is clear: Harry Potter’s wand. By mastering the Elder Wand, Harry was able to use it to defeat Voldemort in their final confrontation. The wand recognized Harry as its true master, and thus the Killing Curse was unable to harm him. Harry’s wand was the only one capable of defeating Voldemort, and it is this wand that ultimately killed the Dark Lord.

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