The Harry Potter movie franchise recently held a reunion event for HBO Max, bringing together the cast and crew of the beloved films. While the event was a huge success, one person was noticeably absent: the author of the books, J.K. Rowling.

Rowling was not invited to the reunion, despite the fact that she created the characters and wrote the books that the movies were based on. This decision was made by the producers of the event, and it has caused a lot of controversy.

Many fans of the franchise are upset that Rowling was not invited to the reunion, as she is the one who created the characters and stories that have become so beloved. Others have argued that it was a wise decision to leave her out, as she has recently come under fire for her comments on transgender rights.

Regardless of the reasons behind the decision, it is clear that Rowling was not invited to the reunion. This has caused a lot of disappointment among fans of the franchise, who were hoping to see the author reunited with the cast and crew.

It remains to be seen if Rowling will ever be invited to a Harry Potter reunion in the future. Until then, fans of the franchise will have to make do with the reunion event that was recently filmed for HBO Max.