Manav: India’s First Humanoid Robot

In late December 2014, India made history with the development of Manav, the first humanoid robot developed in the laboratory of A-SET Training and Research Institutes. Manav, whose name is derived from the Sanskrit word for “human”, was created by Diwakar Vaish, the Head of Robotics and Research at A-SET Training and Research Institutes.

Manav is a unique robot, as it is the first humanoid robot to be developed in India. It stands at 1.2 meters tall and weighs around 15 kg. It has a human-like face, with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Manav is equipped with a range of sensors and motors, allowing it to interact with its environment and respond to commands.

Manav is capable of performing a variety of tasks, such as walking, talking, and even dancing. It is also able to recognize and respond to human speech and facial expressions. In addition, Manav is able to recognize and respond to objects in its environment, such as furniture and other robots.

Manav is powered by a rechargeable battery, which allows it to run for up to two hours. It is also equipped with a range of sensors, such as an infrared camera, a microphone, and a range of tactile sensors.

Manav is a remarkable achievement for India, and a testament to the country’s technological prowess. It is a major step forward in the development of humanoid robots, and could potentially lead to further advancements in the field.

Manav is a remarkable achievement for India, and a testament to the country’s technological prowess. It is a major step forward in the development of humanoid robots, and could potentially lead to further advancements in the field. Manav is a symbol of India’s progress in the field of robotics, and is sure to inspire many more robotics projects in the future.

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