Ajatashatru, a legendary ruler of ancient India, is said to have had 500 wives. He was the son of King Bimbisara of the Haryanka dynasty, who ruled the kingdom of Magadha in the 6th century BCE. Ajatashatru was born in the city of Kasi, which was given to Bimbisara as dowry by Maha-Kosala, the king of Kosala.

Ajatashatru is said to have had a number of wives, but his principal consort was Princess Vajira. She was the daughter of Prasenajit, the king of Kosala. Prasenajit had taken back the city of Kasi after the murder of Bimbisara.

Ajatashatru is said to have married many women in order to strengthen his political alliances. He also had many children, some of whom were born to his wives and some to his concubines.

Ajatashatru was a powerful ruler and a great warrior. He is said to have conquered many territories and expanded his kingdom. He was also a great patron of the arts and culture. He is credited with the construction of the great stupa at Bodh Gaya, which is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists.

Ajatashatru is remembered as one of the most powerful rulers of ancient India. He is said to have had 500 wives, but his principal consort was Princess Vajira. He was a great warrior and a great patron of the arts and culture. He is remembered for his conquests and for the construction of the great stupa at Bodh Gaya.

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