On the June 8th episode of the hit show “Pretty Little Liars,” viewers were shocked to find out that Meredith had drugged Emily. In the episode, titled “Misery Loves Company,” Emily, Aria, and Hanna were locked in a basement by Meredith, who had mysteriously disappeared.
The episode began with Aria finding out that her father had been blackmailed by Ali and had seen her the night she died. This news caused Aria to become sick, and Emily and Hanna were concerned. After a few moments, Aria suddenly passed out and Emily and Hanna quickly realized that she had been drugged.
The girls soon discovered that Meredith had drugged Aria and was responsible for locking them in the basement. Emily and Hanna were horrified to learn that Meredith had drugged Aria and had no idea why she would do such a thing.
Meredith had been a part of the group for some time, but her true intentions were never clear. After drugging Aria and locking the girls in the basement, Meredith disappeared without a trace.
The episode ended with Emily, Aria, and Hanna still locked in the basement, with no idea what Meredith’s motives were. It is still unclear why Meredith drugged Aria and locked the girls in the basement, and viewers are left to speculate what her true intentions were.
Overall, the episode was shocking and left viewers with more questions than answers. It is still unclear why Meredith drugged Aria and locked the girls in the basement, and viewers are left to speculate what her true intentions were. It will be interesting to see how the show will move forward and if the mystery of Meredith’s motives will ever be solved.