When Prince William ascends to the throne of the United Kingdom on 19 September 2022, his wife Kate will become Queen Consort. This title is different from the title of Queen Elizabeth II, who is the reigning monarch.

The title of Queen Consort is given to the wife of the ruling monarch. As such, Kate will be the Queen Consort when William becomes King. She will be the Queen Consort for the duration of William’s reign, and will be known as Queen Catherine.

As Queen Consort, Kate will not have the same powers and responsibilities as Queen Elizabeth II. She will not be the Head of State, nor will she have any political power. Instead, she will be a figurehead and symbol of the monarchy, and will represent the royal family in official engagements.

Kate will also be expected to support her husband in his duties as King. She will be expected to attend official functions, give speeches, and represent the monarchy at home and abroad.

Kate will also be a role model for the nation. As Queen Consort, she will be a symbol of the monarchy and its values, and will be expected to set an example for the nation.

In addition to her official duties, Kate will also be a mother to Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. She will be expected to raise her children with the same values and principles that she has been taught as a member of the royal family.

When Prince William becomes King, Kate will become Queen Consort. She will be a figurehead and symbol of the monarchy, and will represent the royal family in official engagements. She will also be a role model for the nation, and a mother to her children. As Queen Consort, Kate will be an important part of the monarchy and will play an important role in the future of the United Kingdom.

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