Chatbots are a great way to provide customer service, but they have their limitations. One of the biggest weaknesses of chatbots is their limited responses. Chatbots are not able to answer multi-part questions or questions that require decisions. This can leave customers without a solution and having to go through more steps to contact your support team.

Chatbots also lack the ability to recognize the context of a conversation. They are not able to interpret the customer’s emotions or understand the customer’s intent. This can lead to customers feeling frustrated and not getting the help they need.

Chatbots also lack the ability to learn from customer interactions. This means that the same customer may receive the same response from the chatbot each time they ask a question. This can lead to a lack of personalization and customers feeling like they are talking to a robot instead of a person.

Finally, chatbots are not able to handle complex tasks. They are not able to provide detailed information or help customers with more complicated issues. This can lead to customers feeling frustrated and having to contact your support team for help.

Overall, chatbots have their limitations and weaknesses. They are not able to answer multi-part questions or questions that require decisions. They also lack the ability to recognize the context of a conversation, learn from customer interactions, and handle complex tasks. This can lead to customers feeling frustrated and not getting the help they need.