The world of artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly evolving, and the race to build the fastest AI is a fiercely competitive one. The latest contender to enter the fray is the Eos supercomputer, which is set to become the world’s fastest AI when it is completed in March 2022.

The Eos supercomputer is being developed by Nvidia, the world’s leading AI hardware and software company. It will feature 18 ‘SuperPods’, each of which includes 32-DGX H100 Pods. Those 576 DGX H100 systems include 4,608 of Nvidia’s new H100 GPUs, 500 Quantum-2 InfiniBand switches, and 360 NVLink switches.

The Eos supercomputer will be capable of performing more than 10 exaflops of AI performance, which is the equivalent of 10 billion billion calculations per second. This makes it the fastest AI in the world by a wide margin.

The Eos supercomputer will be used for a variety of AI-related tasks, such as natural language processing, image recognition, and autonomous driving. It will also be used to power the development of new AI applications, such as self-driving cars and medical diagnostics.

The Eos supercomputer is the latest example of how AI is transforming the world. With its unprecedented computing power, it will enable researchers to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible with AI.

The Eos supercomputer is set to be completed in March 2022, and when it is, it will be the world’s fastest AI. It will be used to power a variety of AI-related tasks, and it will enable researchers to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible with AI. The Eos supercomputer is a testament to the power of AI and a reminder of how quickly the technology is advancing.

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