
When it comes to the opposite of stampede, there are several words that can be used to describe the situation. A stampede is a chaotic and often dangerous situation where a large group of people or animals rush forward in a wild and uncontrolled manner. The opposite of this is a retreat, which is a situation where a large group of people or animals move away from a certain area in an orderly and controlled manner.

The word retreat is the most commonly used word to describe the opposite of stampede. It implies a controlled and orderly movement away from a certain area or situation. Other words that can be used to describe the opposite of stampede include ebb, evacuation, flight, and pullback.

Ebb is a term used to describe a gradual decrease in something, such as the movement of people or animals away from a certain area. Evacuation is another word used to describe the opposite of stampede. It implies a situation where people or animals are removed from a certain area in an orderly and controlled manner. Flight is another word used to describe the opposite of stampede. It implies a situation where people or animals flee from a certain area in an uncontrolled and chaotic manner. Pullback is another word used to describe the opposite of stampede. It implies a situation where people or animals move away from a certain area in an orderly and controlled manner.

In conclusion, the opposite of stampede can be described using several different words, including retreat, ebb, evacuation, flight, and pullback. Each of these words implies a different situation, but all of them describe a situation where people or animals move away from a certain area in an orderly and controlled manner.