What is 0000 in 12 Hours Clock Time?

The 12-hour clock is a system of timekeeping used to divide the 24 hours of a day into two 12-hour periods. The 12-hour clock is used in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In this system, the day is divided into two 12-hour periods, one from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM and the other from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM.

Converting times from 12-hour clock to 24-hour clock can be a bit confusing, especially when dealing with midnight. In 24-hour (military) time, 12:00am is equal to 0000 and is read as “0 hundred hours”. 1:00am, or 0100, is pronounced as “zero 1 hundred hours”. The rest of the hours between 12:00 AM and noon on the 12-hour clock are equal to the hours between 0000hrs and 1200hrs.

For example, if it is 3:00 AM on the 12-hour clock, it is 0300 in 24-hour time. If it is 4:00 AM on the 12-hour clock, it is 0400 in 24-hour time. Similarly, if it is 11:00 AM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1100 in 24-hour time. If it is 12:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1200 in 24-hour time.

The hours between noon and midnight on the 12-hour clock are equal to the hours between 1200hrs and 2400hrs in 24-hour time. For example, if it is 1:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1300 in 24-hour time. If it is 2:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1400 in 24-hour time. Similarly, if it is 11:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 2300 in 24-hour time. If it is 12:00 AM on the 12-hour clock, it is 0000 in 24-hour time.

It is important to note that when converting from 12-hour to 24-hour time, the hours between 12:00 PM and 11:59 PM on the 12-hour clock are equal to the hours between 1200hrs and 2359hrs in 24-hour time. For example, if it is 3:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1500 in 24-hour time. If it is 4:00 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 1600 in 24-hour time. Similarly, if it is 11:59 PM on the 12-hour clock, it is 2359 in 24-hour time.

In conclusion, when converting times from 12-hour clock to 24-hour clock, it is important to remember that 12:00 AM on the 12-hour clock is equal to 0000 in 24-hour time, and the hours between 12:00 PM and 11:59 PM on the 12-hour clock are equal to the hours between 1200hrs and 2359hrs in 24-hour time. Knowing this information can help make the conversion process easier and more accurate.

By Influencer Magazine UK