Princess Diana of Themyscira, also known as Wonder Woman, is a beloved superhero and icon of justice and truth. She is a strong and brave woman who stands up for what is right and is an inspiration to many.

But what Hogwarts house would she be sorted into? According to J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, Princess Diana would be a Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuffs are known for their loyalty, hard work, and dedication. They are loyal to their friends and will always stand up for what is right. They are also hardworking and dedicated to their studies and will always put in the effort to get the job done.

Princess Diana is a perfect example of a Hufflepuff. She is loyal to her friends and family, and she is always willing to stand up for what is right. She is also hardworking and dedicated to her mission of protecting the world from evil.

Princess Diana is an amazing example of a Hufflepuff. She is loyal, hardworking, and dedicated to her mission of justice and truth. She is an inspiration to many and a perfect example of what it means to be a Hufflepuff.

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