When it comes to addressing the Queen, most people use the formal titles of ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Your Majesty’. However, Prince William and Prince Harry were allowed to call her something a little more informal.

The Queen’s grandchildren were encouraged to call her ‘Granny’ as a sign of affection and respect. This was something that was encouraged by the Queen herself, who was said to be very fond of her grandchildren.

Prince William and Prince Harry were both born in the 1980s, and so they grew up with the Queen as a constant presence in their lives. As such, they developed a very close bond with her, and it was natural for them to call her ‘Granny’.

This was a term of endearment that was used by the Queen’s grandchildren, and it was a sign of the affection and respect that they had for her. It was also a way for them to show their love and appreciation for her.

The Queen was known to be very fond of her grandchildren, and she was always delighted when they called her ‘Granny’. It was a sign of the close bond that they shared, and it was something that she cherished.

In conclusion, Prince William and Prince Harry were allowed to call the Queen ‘Granny’ as a sign of affection and respect. This was something that was encouraged by the Queen herself, and it was a sign of the close bond that they shared.

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