When it comes to robotics, the debate between Python and C++ is a heated one. While both languages have their advantages and disadvantages, the decision of which one to use largely depends on the project at hand.

When it comes to testing, Python is a great choice for robotics. Python is relatively easy to learn and allows for quick prototyping and testing of parts of a program. This makes it ideal for testing out the physical behavior of a robot. Python is also great for scripting, which is useful for creating a series of commands for a robot to follow.

On the other hand, C++ is the language of choice for many robotics engineers. C++ is a powerful language that allows for the development of complex algorithms and applications. This makes it perfect for robotics projects that require a high level of precision and control. C++ is also a great choice for embedded systems, as it is fast and efficient.

At the end of the day, both Python and C++ have their place in robotics. Python is great for testing and scripting, while C++ is perfect for complex algorithms and embedded systems. Nothing will ever replace C++ for robotics in the near future, but Python can be a great complement to it.