In a shocking revelation, Britney Spears’ attorney Mathew Rosengart has alleged that her father and former conservator, Jamie Spears, and the lawyers involved in her conservatorship have taken more than $36 million from her estate over the 13-year period. The documents were filed ahead of Wednesday’s conservatorship hearing.

Britney Spears has been under conservatorship since 2008, when her father was appointed as her conservator. The conservatorship was established to protect her financial and personal interests, and has been extended multiple times since then.

The documents filed by Rosengart allege that Jamie Spears and the lawyers involved in the conservatorship have taken a total of $36,374,000 from the estate since 2008. This includes $2,835,000 in legal fees, $2,735,000 in accounting fees, and $30,804,000 in other fees.

The documents also allege that Jamie Spears has taken an additional $890,000 from the estate for his own personal use.

The filing also states that Britney Spears’ estate has not received any compensation for her work over the 13-year period, and that she has been deprived of the opportunity to manage her own finances and make her own decisions.

The documents also claim that Jamie Spears has been “unjustly enriched” by the conservatorship, and that he has used his position to benefit himself and his own interests.

The documents conclude by asking the court to remove Jamie Spears as conservator and appoint a new conservator to manage Britney Spears’ estate.

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, and it is expected that the court will make a decision on the matter soon. It remains to be seen how much of the $36 million taken from Britney Spears’ estate will be returned to her.

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