OnlyFans is a popular social media platform that allows users to share content with their followers and earn money from their subscribers. The platform has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many celebrities and influencers using it to monetize their content. However, due to its adult content, OnlyFans has an age rating of 18+.

To ensure that users are of legal age, OnlyFans requires users to upload a selfie alongside a piece of photographic ID to provide their identity. This helps to ensure that the user is of legal age and that their identity is verified. However, it is possible to bypass this age verification process by using another person’s ID. This means that underage users can access the platform without having to provide any proof of their age.

OnlyFans also has a system in place to help prevent underage users from accessing the platform. This includes using algorithms to detect suspicious activity and using facial recognition technology to detect if the user is using someone else’s ID. The platform also has a reporting system in place, allowing users to report any suspicious activity or content.

In conclusion, OnlyFans has an age rating of 18+ and requires users to upload a selfie alongside a piece of photographic ID to provide their identity. However, it is possible to bypass this age verification process by using another person’s ID. To help prevent underage users from accessing the platform, OnlyFans has a system in place to detect suspicious activity and content.

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