Eliza Doolittle is a fictional character from the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. She is a Cockney flower girl from Lisson Grove, London, who comes to Professor Henry Higgins asking for elocution lessons after a chance encounter at Covent Garden. Eliza is portrayed as a young woman of humble beginnings who is determined to better herself and become a proper lady.

The question of whether Eliza marries is a popular one among fans of the play. In the original play, Eliza does not marry either Professor Higgins or Freddy Eynsford-Hill, the man she meets at the Embassy Ball. However, in the musical adaptation of the play, My Fair Lady, Eliza does marry Professor Higgins.

In the original play, Eliza is determined to be independent and refuses to marry either of the two men. She instead chooses to use the money she has earned from her elocution lessons to open a flower shop. This shows her determination to be independent and make her own way in the world.

In the musical adaptation, Eliza and Professor Higgins do marry at the end of the play. This ending is seen as a way of showing that Eliza has come full circle and is now a proper lady. It also shows that Eliza has been accepted into the upper class and is now a part of the world she once wanted to be a part of.

The question of whether Eliza marries is an interesting one and is open to interpretation. Some fans of the play prefer the original ending where Eliza chooses to remain independent, while others prefer the musical adaptation where Eliza and Professor Higgins do marry. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which ending they prefer.