In the musical My Fair Lady, Professor Henry Higgins is a professor of phonetics who meets Eliza Doolittle, a young woman of the lower classes. Eliza is determined to improve her station in life by learning to speak like a proper lady. Higgins agrees to take her on as a student, and the two embark on a journey of transformation.

At first, Higgins is dismissive of Eliza and her attempts to learn. He views her as a project, and is more interested in the challenge of teaching her than in her as a person. As the lessons progress, however, he begins to see her potential and takes a genuine interest in her progress.

As the lessons come to an end, Higgins is left angry and frustrated. He is unable to understand why he feels this way, and dismisses it as something he ate. It is only when he stops and examines his feelings that he has his epiphany: he loves Eliza.

Higgins is a man of science, and the idea of love is foreign to him. He is unsure of how to express his feelings, and instead of telling Eliza, he instead focuses on her transformation and how it will help her achieve her goals.

In the end, Higgins is able to express his love for Eliza, although it is never explicitly stated. He does this by showing her the respect and admiration she deserves, and by helping her to achieve her dreams. It is clear that Higgins loves Eliza, although it is never stated outright.

The love between Higgins and Eliza is a complex one, and it is never fully explored in the musical. It is clear, however, that Higgins does love Eliza, and that his love for her is a major factor in her transformation.