On 18-May-2022, a woman testified in court that actress Amber Heard had hit her in the face during an argument. The woman, who was not identified, said that the altercation began when she asked Heard to help her look for something.

“She thought I wasn’t looking hard enough and I told her I thought I had looked there,” the woman added. She later indicated that the argument turned physical and testified that she pushed Heard. In response, she said, the actress “either pushed me or hit me back,” before noting that “it was on my cheek.”

The woman also testified that Heard had threatened her with a bottle of wine during the altercation. She said that Heard had yelled, “I will hit you with this bottle,” before throwing the bottle on the ground.

The woman’s testimony was part of a hearing in which Heard was seeking a restraining order against her former husband, actor Johnny Depp. The woman said that she had been present during the altercation between Heard and Depp, and that she had seen Heard hit Depp.

The woman’s testimony has caused some to question whether Heard was the aggressor in the altercation. However, the woman’s testimony is only one piece of evidence in the case, and it is up to the court to decide whether Heard is guilty of any wrongdoing.

The case is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what the outcome will be. In the meantime, Heard’s attorney has denied the allegations, saying that the woman’s testimony is “completely false.”

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