Prince Harry has recently spoken out about his relationship with the royal family, and his feelings of being unable to “get out” of the family. He also expressed his belief that it is not possible for him and his wife, the Duchess of Sussex, to return to the UK as working royals.

The Duke of Sussex made the comments during an interview with James Corden on the US talk show, The Late Late Show. During the interview, Prince Harry discussed his relationship with the royal family, saying “I can’t ever get out of the family, but I can step back rather than stepping down.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped back from their roles as senior members of the royal family in January 2020, and have since been living in the US. The couple has made it clear that they do not intend to return to the UK as working royals, and Prince Harry has now stated that he does not believe it is possible for them to do so.

The Duke of Sussex also spoke about his desire to move away from the “toxic” environment of the British press, and how he and his wife have been able to “start to build a life” in the US. He said that the couple are “thriving” and that he is “happier than he has ever been”.

Prince Harry’s comments suggest that it is unlikely that he and the Duchess of Sussex will ever return to the UK as working royals. The couple have made it clear that they are committed to their new life in the US, and that they have no plans to return to the UK.

It appears that Prince Harry is content with his current situation, and that he does not feel the need to return to the royal family. While it is unlikely that he and the Duchess of Sussex will ever return to the UK as working royals, it is clear that the Duke of Sussex is happy with his life in the US.

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