Seeing the impossible- Quantum Microscope
Curiosity has fuelled the field of science and research for over centuries now. To see and know what lies in the beyond has always been a forbidden fruit for humankind. In the pursuit of exploring deeper into the universe and matter, the achievements we have made along the way are remarkable. On such feather to the crown is the development of Quantum microscope.
Quantum structures have been the centre of attraction for scientists for a while now. Biology and physics defined matter and atoms into indivisible substances. With the use of quantum microscopes, there is a chance of looking deeper into biological structures. Till now this possibility was considered like herding cats. Technology has made even the far-fetched ideas possible. It has the potential to make the limitations of classical physics looks like child’s play.
Quantum revolution
The quantum microscope runs on Einstein’s principle of ‘spooky interactions at a distance. What this breakthrough means to different fields is a matter to be discussed. It has the potential to advance navigation systems beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. The science and medical field can be enriched with more evolved imaging systems. The disease diagnosis and treatment can be more precise with multi-level magnetic resonance imaging instrumentation. The Quantum revolution is on its way, and this is a beginning.
Quantum entanglement v/s light microscopy
The sensors used in the device has exhibited out-of-the-world paradigm-changing ability. The currently used light microscopy uses bright lights and lasers, much brighter than the sun itself to microscopically view the structures under it. Conventionally, as photons are emitted from an alight source, the light is subject to shot noise, which restricts sensitivity and resolution. This issue is usually eliminated by raising the intensity of light. More intensity means more number of photons emitted. But this creates a problem for the living cells since they cannot survive these lasers for long durations. Living cells and other biological structures are tenuous and get killed in the process. This issue is removed by using quantum entanglement in the microscope which does not put the cells at risk. More information is gathered by a single photon in quantum entanglement. This diminishes the shot noise, without the need to elevate the intensity.
Quantum microscopes can pave the way for the evolution of communication, computing, and sensing. The fastest, most secure ways of computing can be created using this technology. The advantages are clear as a crystal – from a much-improved knowledge of living systems to improved investigative technologies in disease diagnosis. This is also a great addition to the field of biotechnology and biophysics. We can ease out more relevant information from the atomic particles, electrons, and protons by measuring their phase with accuracy. The 35% more clarity offered by the microscope in observing living structures can create wonders for the research fields. The microscope not only gives a clearer image but also gives images that appear transparent to electrons. This can be a huge achievement for the lithium-based battery industry.