The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has faced challenges recently, leaving fans eager for its revival. Exciting news surrounds the upcoming Avengers 5 & 6, with rumors buzzing about the return of fan-favorites Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. An internet source has reported that both actors have shown positive signs about reprising their iconic roles. Here’s the inside scoop.
RDJ, known for his portrayal of Tony Stark (Iron Man), and Evans, beloved as Captain America (Steve Rogers), were instrumental in Marvel’s success. Their departure post-Avengers: Endgame left a void, and the MCU struggled to deliver the same level of excitement without them.
Speculation arose about Marvel resurrecting Downey’s Iron Man for an Avengers movie, and now, internet rumors, particularly from MyTimeToShineHello, suggest that both RDJ and Evans have agreed to return. The upcoming films, “Avengers: The Kang Dynasty” and “Secret Wars,” will explore the multiverse concept, potentially facilitating their return. However, a significant obstacle lies in the film’s budget, given Downey’s high salary demands and the costs associated with Evans’ return.
Previously, there were hints of Scarlett Johansson’s return as ‘Black Widow,’ alongside Jeremy Renner’s ‘Hawkeye,’ Mark Ruffalo’s ‘Hulk,’ and Chris Hemsworth’s ‘Thor’ in an Avengers film featuring the original cast. The introduction of the multiverse opens doors for various possibilities, including Chris Evans possibly reprising his role as Johnny Storm, aka Human Torch from Fantastic Four.
Fans have expressed their excitement online, with some humorously suggesting that all it takes is a hefty paycheck of $40 million to make these dreams a reality. Marvel enthusiasts eagerly await the grand reunion of their favorite superheroes, keeping their fingers crossed for one last epic adventure.