IMA 2023 Spotlight: Evangeline Cain Nominated For Women Entrepreneur of The Year


In a world where words have the power to transform lives, Evangeline Cain has proven herself a true mastermind. As the creative force behind captivating literary works “Unfold Your Petals” and “As She Walled,” her influence goes far beyond the pages. Her impact reverberates across the digital landscape, with features in renowned publications like the New York Times and a staggering presence on 579 social media platforms, collectively reaching an astounding 22 million.

Evangeline’s journey is a testament to her dedication and ingenuity. After graduating from the Adler Coaching Academy in 2018, she embarked on a path as a relationship coach, giving birth to Queen’s Mansion Academy. This platform resonates with her gift for connecting and empowering women, shining a light on her passion for nurturing strong bonds among individuals. Her transition from a model to a relationship coach reveals the unique trajectory that led her to where she stands today.

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As she evolves, Evangeline’s calling remains clear: to provide a haven for women to learn, grow, and prosper in their personal and professional relationships. Her nomination for the IMA 2023 Women Entrepreneur of the Year award is a resounding affirmation of her dedication and impact. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Evangeline Cain on this remarkable achievement and eagerly anticipate her continued journey of empowerment and influence.

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