Electric Dreams: Big Boost for Green Buses, Vans, and Jobs

The UK government has just announced a massive investment to help create cleaner, greener vehicles for the future. A whopping £88 million is being put into 46 innovative projects that will help push the country towards zero-emission transport. This isn’t just about helping the environment – it’s also about creating jobs and boosting the economy.

A Bright Future for Electric Vehicles

The government and the automotive industry are working together to make electric vans, buses, and trucks the new normal. By backing these projects, they aim to lower emissions, create new jobs, and promote long-term economic growth. These 46 projects are part of a wider push to help the UK reach its goal of net-zero emissions.


Some of the exciting projects include developing next-generation electric trucks for Royal Mail and the NHS. Imagine getting your mail delivered by a fully electric, zero-emission truck! These vehicles will not only help reduce pollution but will also help create a cleaner environment for everyone.

A Step Toward Net Zero

Sarah Jones, the Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation, has been a big supporter of this move. She’s even visiting some of the projects in person to show how serious the government is about going green. One of her stops will be at Protean Electric and Gordon Murray Group, two companies leading the charge in this field.

Protean Electric is working on new power-electronics products. These are advanced tools that help make electric vehicles more efficient and affordable. Gordon Murray Group is developing an ultra-lightweight vehicle platform, which will make future cars more energy-efficient. Both of these projects are crucial steps toward making zero-emission vehicles a reality in the UK.

These two projects alone are getting £22.5 million in total, with £11 million coming from the government. It’s expected that these innovations will prevent nearly 13 million tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Not only that, but they’re also expected to create and protect around 1,000 green jobs.

Cleaner, Greener Jobs

One of the great things about this new funding is that it’s not just about building electric vehicles – it’s also about creating jobs. Thousands of people across the UK will benefit from these new roles in the green energy and automotive sectors.

“Labour is committed to boosting the jewel in the crown of our manufacturing base – the automotive industry,” said Sarah Jones. She added that these new projects would help power the development of next-generation zero-emission vehicle technologies.

This means that from electric trucks delivering our mail to cleaner, greener buses for public transport, the UK is moving towards a future where electric vehicles are the norm. The government’s support will not only help the environment but will also help people find work in this growing industry.

Leading the Charge

Protean Electric’s CEO, Andrew Whitehead, is thrilled that their project, PULSE, was chosen for government support. He explained that their in-wheel motors could be a game-changer in electric vehicle technology, making these cars more affordable and efficient. “We are excited to continue leading electric vehicle innovation from our UK development center,” he said.

Jean-Philippe Launberg from Gordon Murray Group also expressed excitement, calling the support from the government a huge boost. Their project, M-LightEn, is focused on making cars lighter and more energy-efficient. Lighter cars use less energy, which is crucial for the environment.

A Joint Effort

This funding was made possible through the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK (APC), a government-backed initiative that helps develop cutting-edge vehicle technologies. The funding is split between the government and the automotive industry, with £44.5 million coming from the government and £43.5 million from the industry.


The projects cover a wide range of innovations. Some focus on developing better batteries and motors, while others work on making vehicles lighter or more efficient. There’s even a project exploring wireless charging for electric vehicles, which could make charging your car as easy as parking it!

One report from the Faraday Institution says the UK will need battery capacity equivalent to six gigafactories by 2030. Recent announcements from companies like AESC and Tata Group have gotten people excited about the potential for the UK to become a leader in battery production.

The Road Ahead

The Faraday Institution also predicts that by 2040, 270,000 UK jobs could be supported by the electric vehicle and battery industries. This is a major opportunity for the country to create a new, highly skilled workforce that will help drive economic growth.

The UK’s automotive sector is already attracting billions in private investment. In 2023 alone, over £20 billion was committed to this industry. This sector will play a key role in the country’s economic recovery and future growth.

The government is working hard to attract more private investment through initiatives like the Automotive Transformation Fund (ATF). They’re focused on building a competitive electric vehicle supply chain, which includes everything from developing new batteries to manufacturing electric vehicles on a large scale.

Driving Towards Success

In short, the UK is on the road to becoming a global leader in electric vehicle technology. This new funding is not just about creating cleaner vehicles – it’s about creating a stronger economy, more jobs, and a better environment for everyone.

With support from both the government and the private sector, the future of transportation in the UK looks brighter than ever. Whether it’s electric trucks delivering our mail or greener buses taking us to work, the UK is driving full speed ahead toward a cleaner, greener future.


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