Michelle Heaton Shares Heart-Wrenching Video from Her Battle with Alcohol Addiction

Michelle Heaton, the former Liberty X singer, shared a deeply emotional video capturing one of her lowest moments during her struggle with alcohol addiction. The 44-year-old posted a clip from 2021, where she was seen opening birthday presents alone, visibly distressed.

In the video, Michelle candidly expresses her despair. She shares, “I fell asleep in my clothes and makeup at half four. I think I might be sick. I can’t do today. I’m going to have to go back to bed or something. What am I going to do? I can’t believe I’m opening my own cards and presents by myself.”

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Michelle accompanied the post with a heartfelt message, highlighting her journey towards sobriety. “I share this video with a heavy heart. This week is alcohol awareness week. Looking back at my mental torture, I came across this video. I am now 3 years and 2 months sober. I don’t recognize this person. This was my 41st birthday; I’m coming up to my 45th in 2 weeks. I would not be here if I didn’t surrender or accept I was an alcoholic.”

Michelle’s battle reached a critical point in September 2020 when doctors informed her that her liver was failing. Determined to turn her life around, she checked into The Priory for a 28-day treatment and has remained sober since.

Her journey has been one of transformation. Michelle has been working diligently on her health and fitness, shedding two stone and showcasing her progress on social media. Celebrating her third year of sobriety in April, she reflects on the positive changes that have come from giving up alcohol.

“Giving up alcohol was the best decision I ever made,” Michelle shared with Fabulous magazine. “Not drinking alcohol is way better than drinking alcohol. There’s so much research out there that proves just how beneficial it is. Your energy levels improve, you feel happier, fitter, and more focused. For those who don’t have alcoholic tendencies and only want to take a break, or give it up for a month, I would encourage that. You would never regret it.”

Michelle’s story is a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of addiction and the strength required to overcome it. Her message to others is clear: help is out there, and it’s never too late to seek it.


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