The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shinkoshoto. The series follows the story of Haru, a young sage who is banished from his kingdom by his childhood friend, Leticia, who has become the hero.
Haru is a brilliant sage with a natural talent for magic. However, he is also kind and compassionate, which Leticia sees as a weakness. Leticia is determined to become the strongest hero in the world, and she sees Haru as a threat to her goal.
One day, Leticia accuses Haru of treason and banishes him from the kingdom. Haru is devastated, but he is determined to prove his innocence and reclaim his honor. He sets out on a journey to learn more about the world and to become a stronger sage.
Along the way, Haru meets a variety of interesting characters, including a group of goblins who teach him new magic spells and a young woman named Lona who becomes his close friend. With Lona’s help, Haru begins to learn more about himself and the true nature of power.
Eventually, Haru returns to his kingdom to confront Leticia. He is now a powerful sage, and he is determined to stop Leticia from using her power for evil. Haru and Leticia engage in a fierce battle, but in the end, Haru is victorious.
Leticia is defeated, and Haru is finally able to reclaim his honor. He is hailed as a hero by the people of the kingdom, and he begins a new life as a wise and benevolent ruler.
The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend is a story about friendship, betrayal, and redemption. It is a story about the importance of kindness and compassion, and the power of forgiveness.
Q: Who is Haru?
A: Haru is the protagonist of the manga series The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend. He is a young sage who is banished from his kingdom by his childhood friend, Leticia.
Q: Why is Haru banished?
A: Haru is banished because Leticia sees him as a threat to her goal of becoming the strongest hero in the world.
Q: Where does Haru go after he is banished?
A: Haru sets out on a journey to learn more about the world and to become a stronger sage.
Q: Who is Lona?
A: Lona is a young woman who becomes Haru’s close friend. She helps him to learn more about himself and the true nature of power.
Q: Who is the main antagonist of the series?
A: The main antagonist of the series is Leticia, Haru’s childhood friend. She is determined to become the strongest hero in the world, and she sees Haru as a threat to her goal.
Q: What is the ending of the series?
A: In the end, Haru defeats Leticia and reclaims his honor. He is hailed as a hero by the people of the kingdom, and he begins a new life as a wise and benevolent ruler.
The Banished Sage Who Escaped His Childhood Friend is a well-written and enjoyable manga series. It is a story about friendship, betrayal, and redemption. It is a story about the importance of kindness and compassion, and the power of forgiveness.