Himawari is a cheerful and considerate girl. She is shown to adore her family, hoping to make her late cousin Neji happy by bringing flowers to his grave. She also cares about her older brother, hoping to play with him whenever possible. It is clear that Himawari loves her family deeply, but who does she love the most?
Himawari’s love for her family is obvious, but her strongest love is for her father, Naruto Uzumaki. Himawari is very close to her father, and is often seen playing with him and following him around. She loves to spend time with him, and is always happy when he is around. Himawari is also very protective of her father, and will do anything to make sure he is safe.
Himawari also loves her mother, Hinata Hyuga, very much. She is very close to her mother, and loves to spend time with her. Himawari is often seen helping her mother with chores and playing with her. She also loves to hear her mother’s stories, and loves to listen to her advice.
Himawari also loves her older brother, Boruto Uzumaki. She loves to play with him, and loves to listen to his stories. Himawari is very protective of her brother, and will do anything to make sure he is safe. She also loves to spend time with him, and loves to help him with his homework.
Himawari also loves her friends. She loves to spend time with them, and loves to help them with their problems. Himawari is very loyal to her friends, and will do anything to make sure they are safe. She also loves to listen to their stories, and loves to give them advice.
Himawari also loves her teachers. She loves to listen to their stories, and loves to learn from them. Himawari is very respectful of her teachers, and loves to help them with their lessons. She also loves to spend time with them, and loves to help them with their problems.
Himawari loves all of the people in her life, but it is clear that her strongest love is for her father, Naruto Uzumaki. Himawari loves her father deeply, and loves to spend time with him. She is very protective of him, and will do anything to make sure he is safe. Himawari loves her father more than anyone else in her life, and it is clear that he is the one she loves the most.