India: Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award renamed after Hockey Great Dhyan Chand

The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, the highest sporting honor of India, has been renamed Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reported today. The renaming perceives a definitive hockey saint and legend of the game, Dhyan Chand.

The Prime Minister said the move depended on the various solicitations he got from the country over.

“I have been getting many solicitations from residents across India to name the Khel Ratna Award after Major Dhyan Chand. I say thanks to them for their perspectives.

“Regarding their supposition, the Khel Ratna Award will thus be known as the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award!” tweeted the Prime Minister with #JaiHind.

The change comes all at once India’s hockey groups have enamored the creative mind of the country with their presentation at the Toyko Olympics.

The ladies’ hockey group today barely passed up a bronze award closing shades on its vivacious show at the Olympics. Yesterday, the men’s hockey group won an Olympic bronze following a standby of 41 years. (Provigil)

“The excellent presentation of the Men’s and Women’s Hockey Team has caught the creative mind of our whole country. There is a restored interest in Hockey that is arising across the length and broadness of India. This is an extremely sure sign for the coming occasions,” the Prime Minister said in another tweet, not long before reporting the new name for the award.

Dhyan Chand, whose birthday is commended as National Sports Day, won three Olympic golds for the country.

“Major Dhyan Chand is India’s generally incredible and adored sporting symbol; it is just befitting that India’s Highest Sporting Honor be named after him.

“His life and accomplishments have motivated ages of sportspersons who have accomplished magnificence for India,” Sports Minister Anurag Thakur tweeted after the declaration.

Lauding the choice, previous hockey captain Ajitpal Singh noted however the acknowledgment came in late, it’s better than never.

“It’s a welcome move. It’s a decent choice which the Prime Minister has taken. Sports awards ought to consistently be for the sake of sportspersons and there could be no greater sportsperson in the country other than Dhyanchand Ji. The acknowledgment arrived behind schedule yet slow on the uptake, but still good enough,” Mr. Singh told PTI.

Olympic bronze-winning fighter Vijender Singh said respecting the memory of Dhyan Chand is a decent move, however, that by itself won’t be sufficient.

“Nothing against the move since we as a whole regard Dhyan Chand Ji’s colossal commitment however the public authority should do more than this to help sportspersons. They need offices at the fundamental level, except if we can do that, simple renaming of awards will not make a big deal about a distinction,” the fighter was cited saying by news organization PTI.

Dispatched in 1991-92, the award involves an emblem, an endorsement, and a monetary reward of ₹ 25 lakh. The main beneficiary of the Khel Ratna was chess legend, Viswanathan Anand. A portion of the victors as of late incorporate cricketer Rohit Sharma, grappler Vinesh Phogat, ladies’ hockey group chief Rani Rampal, among others.

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