London: Extinction Rebellion chaos, 102 protesters arrested

ne hundred and two Extinction Rebellion protesters were arrested in London.

As of 5:30pm on Tuesday, 40 arrests were made on the third day of protests. Ten arrests were made on Sunday and 52 arrests were made on Monday. The arrests were for a variety of offences.

Among the chaos, two women were detained by officers on Tuesday for spray painting the floor outside the HM Revenue & Customs building with slogans including “Oil=Death”.

Dr Bradbrook, a molecular biologist, admitted in the Talk Radio interview that she had “done lots of good things but I also don’t get it all right” before revealing she drove a car.

When asked by host Cristo Foufas if it was electric the 49-year-old, who founded XR in 2018, said: “No, because I can’t afford it. But if somebody wants to give me £5,000 you can convert my car to electric, and I don’t have the money at the minute.”

The group has plans at London Bridge and Cavendish Square Gardens on Tuesday.

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